I’m really bad at updating this thing…

Well, it’s been…three and a half years (?!?) since my last post. Sorry. Won’t happen again. Probably.

Last time I wrote, I shared that The Clackity had been sold and would be published. That’s old news at this point. Since then, I’ve sold four more books set in Blight Harbor (the world of The Clackity) as well as a YA dark fantasy. Two of those are coming out this year: The Loneliest Place (09.17.24 – Blight Harbor book 3) and The Losting Fountain (12.31.24 – YA dark fantasy). The Clackity and The Nighthouse Keeper (Blight Harbor book 2) are out on shelves now.

In the last 3+ years I’ve had the good fortune to do a lot of school, library, and bookstore events – the schools are my favorite because kids are better than grownups. I’ve made a lot of writing and publishing friends – most of them online pals – and I’ve come to appreciate the horror and kidlit communities (the best is when the two overlap like Spooky Middle Grade).

I’m still working a day job, but I’ve found the time to keep writing in the hours I can grab and so far it’s working out okay. That said, I am taking a short sabbatical from aforementioned day job this fall. My plan [insert pithy comment about plans here] is to make serious progress on Blight Harbor book 5 as well as an unannounced YA horror that I really hope someone will want. It’s bleak and nasty and a whole lot of fun. I think it’s fun, anyway. If you know an editor looking for something like that from someone like me, feel free to send them my way.

This year The Clackity made a whole bunch of state library lists which makes my heart incredibly happy and The Nighthouse Keeper (Blight Harbor book 2) won the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Middle Grade Novel. That was incredibly cool, but I had to watch the ceremony from my couch as I was full of covid (incredibly not cool). Sometimes I look at that little haunted house statue and can’t believe it belongs to me.

This is turning into a brag session so I’m going to stop there and be real for a minute. I’ve had lots of wonderful things happen for me and my books, but this industry doesn’t get easier over time, just different. I’ve never had a bestselling book and every new book and new project have giant question marks hovering over them. For new books, I find myself holding my proverbial breath wondering how reviewers will feel about them, if they’ll sell well, and, most importantly, if young readers will like them or not. For unsold projects, I have to have faith that some editor somewhere will want them but there are zero guarantees in publishing and it’s always possible I will write something I have to turn around and trunk. Even after a few books, I don’t feel “established” – I’m not entirely sure if I ever will. Frankly, I’m not entirely sure what it means.

If you’re writing, I’m cheering you on. If you’re on the agent hunt, I’m sending you all the good luck. If you’re on sub, I’m hoping the universe connects your project with just the right editor to make it shine.

I’ll be back soon. Soonish? Sooner than three and a half years (that one I feel pretty confident about).

Oh – and here’s my next read:

Clown in a Cornfield

It’s for research. Seriously. And, yes. Horror writers get to do THE BEST research. Truth is, I should have gotten to these books a loooong time ago. Fixing that now.

Until next time – I hope your brains are full of good words and your inboxes are full of offers.


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